• How to

    How to Have a Fun Sleepover

    Have you ever had a sleepover with friends, and then all of a sudden you don’t know what to do? It can be very frustrating to invite your friends over and then being board. And a lot of times boredom leads to grouchiness and a not-so-happy sleepover. So to prevent that, I’ll give you tips on how to have an amazing and fun sleepover with friends! Have a Plan Ready I know I’m always saying this, but having a plan in mind, or written out, can be a lifesaver! So make a general outline of what you would like to do on your sleepover and this will make everything easier.…

  • Comedy

    Five Dangers of Reading

    Have you ever wondered if reading is bad for you? Can you actually get a reading addiction? Well, to relieve (or frighten?) your mind, I thought I would talk about five dangers of reading.  Danger #1: Anti-gravity Problems Nope, you don’t have to go to space to experience the mystic science of anti-gravity. That’s right. Pick a book by an awesome author, say, Arthur Conan Doyle for instance, and you won’t be able to put the book down. Seriously? Who knew books had such anti-gravitational force, right? Just watch out, some of the heaviest books can be the toughest to put down. Danger #2: Overthinking Purchases Remember those shoes? Yeah,…

  • How to

    How to Start a Book Club

    Ever wondered how you could start a book club with your friends? Or better yet, ever wondered how to start a book club with friends that aren’t bookworms? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Today I’ll be giving you a few easy and simple tips on how to start a book club. Pick out the objective of your club What do you want to accomplish? What are your goals? If you are simply searching for a way to hang out with friends, then your book club can simply be a small gathering in someone’s house to read for a while, discuss a book, and have a few snacks. If…

  • Five Things

    Five Things to do With Friends

    Ever invited your friends over without knowing what you where going to do together? It can be very boring and disappointing when your friends come over and all they do is stare at their phone screens. Well, that’s very relatable, so don’t worry. Today I’m giving you an idea of five things you can do with your friends. Have a picnic If it’s a sunny day, you can be certain a picnic is an awesome choice of spending time together. You can prepare some sandwiches and head out the door, or you can drive somewhere special for the occasion. If you are too lazy to fix any food, just go…

  • How to

    How to Organize Your Life in Five Steps

    Remember that Thanksgiving dinner? Remember all those delicious looking plates stacked all the way to the ceiling? What about the warm pie waiting next to the sizzling turkey? Wow, suddenly you had to choose what goodies to serve yourself because there was NO way you could try everything in one meal! There was too much food and you had only one stomach and limited time. What did you do? You probably decided to have a little bit of everything so you could have enough room for that warm apple pie. Right? You’re probably wondering why I’m talking about Thanksgiving dinner when I’m supposed to give you an awesome tip on…

  • Food

    Easy Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

    Chocolate. Chocolate! CHOCOLATE! I love chocolate. And I love chocolate chip cookies. And you probably love chocolate chip cookies too. If you don’t, what are you doing with your life?! If you do, then you’re on my team! So today I’ll share with you my favourite and simple, (and original) chocolate chip cookie recipe. Ingredients 2 1/2 cups of flour 1 tsp baking powder 1tsp salt (optional) 1 cup white sugar 1 cup melted butter 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 eggs 2 cups chocolate chips Instructions Grease two cookie sheets and preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius). Mix flour, baking powder, and salt together. In a separate…

  • How to

    How to Host an Ice Cream Party

    Are you wondering how to host an ice cream party? Well, you came to the right place! In this post, I will give you my tips and ideas for hosting an awesome ice cream party. Get Organised The first thing you want to do is think this through. You’ll need to know how many people are going to be invited, what decor you’re going to use, (Pinterest is your go-to for this!) and what kind of ice cream you’ll serve. The best step to take here is to write down on a piece of paper on the following list: How many people will be there? Where am I going to…

  • Food

    My Favourite 4th of July Treats

    Hi everyone! So, who’s excited about the red, blue, and white day? I know I am. But not just for the colours, but for the tasty meals we get to have. (Yum!) So I though I’d share with you my favourite treats to eat on a traditional holiday. Enjoy! Hamburgers You have to use your grill on the 4th. (Can’t give that one a holiday.) Our family tradition lately has been to grill hamburgers for the day. I love homemade hamburgers, they are way healthier than fast food restaurants and are way yummier. Potato Salad I don’t know why, but I feel a true holiday has got to have some…