
Hot Coco Recipe

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Today I thought I would share with you my simple hot coco recipe! Just because, who doesn’t like hot coco? Especially on cold days, right? I hope you enjoy this recipe and find it easy to make.

Simple Cocoa

3 Heaping teaspoons of Hershey’s unsweetened cocoa

3/4 Cup sugar

1/2 Cup additional milk

4 Cups milk

Mix cocoa and sugar with 1/2 cup additional milk. Stir until well blended. Add mixture to 4 cups of milk. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Serve and enjoy! This will taste twice as delicious if you add some marshmallows. (Don’t burn your tongue, though!)

Hope y’all found it yummy.

Anna 😉

Hello! I'm Anna, an avid consumer of books and tea and a passionate lover of Jesus. I'm passionate about words and storytelling, I love teaching, and I enjoy embroidery and baking. You can find me in the mountains by the trees.