Five Things

My Five Weird Obsessions

A lot of us have weird obsessions. Wether it’s a certain type of music, or some kind of food, we are all obsessed with something now and then. Which is why I decided to share with all of you my five weird obsessions.

Number One: Blankets

This one kind of runs in the family. We all love blankets. And every time I go to a store and see a blanket, I feel like I need it. I’m always snuggled up with a blanket. Specially the warm, soft, fuzzy kind. They are the best for reading books with, watching movies with, sleeping with…

Yeah, their probably one of my favourite obsessions.

Number Two: Boxes

What is it about boxes? Wether big, small, slim, or tall, every time I see one I’m like, “Oh, look! I could use this for…” Even when I don’t need it! And then people started giving me cute wooden boxes as gifts. Crazy, right? But I confess, I love boxes.

Number Three: Notebooks

I always need a new notebook. Yeah sure, I have zillions of unused and brand new notebooks on my drawer, but I always need another one. It’s one of those things you just have to buy whenever you see it. Maybe I should do a notebook gifting party? But no! I don’t think I could part with all those notebooks. Sorry…

Number Four: Pens and Markers

Just like with the notebook thingy, I can’t get enough markers or colored pens. I have a drawer filled with them, but I still get new ones every time I see some I like in a store. I guess you could say I collect markers, because I hardly use any of them. Unless I write a note to someone, that is.

Number Five: Books

Although this is more of an addiction, I would say that my biggest obsession is with books. Every time I see a book that looks good, I want to read it. Especially if I can get my hands on a good physical book. That is way better than ebooks. The smell, the feel, the printed words. Yep, I’m obsessed with books.

I hope you found this interesting! (Maybe a bit exaggerated? But I was honest.) Have an awesome weekend!


Hello! I'm Anna, an avid consumer of books and tea and a passionate lover of Jesus. I'm passionate about words and storytelling, I love teaching, and I enjoy embroidery and baking. You can find me in the mountains by the trees.