How to Read More
“I should read more.” We all say that. But let’s face it, in the middle of already hectic schedules, we rarely find the time to read. And if you have tons of homework assignments to read, then reading for pleasure seems pointless and a waste of time. But if you would really like to begin having more time for reading and all the benefits that come with it, then keep on reading to find some encouraging tips…
Tip One: Read a Book You Will Like
If the first book you picked was some boring old history book it probably discouraged you from ever reading again. But, if you pick a genre you like, then the book will seem shorter and you will enjoy every moment. Not all of us like reading Don Quixote, but if you find a fantasy, sci-fi, or YA book, then reading will become easier. A good way to find a book you might like is using Goodreads. They have tons of reviews, and an easy way of finding books you might like.
Tip Two: Read a Little Every Day
The best step for actually reading more is reading. (Yeah, I’m smart.) If you read ten minutes before you go to bed, you will find that you will actually accomplish more reading. And the benefit of reading before bed is that you will be able to have a better night of sleep, since it will give your brain time to relax and clear up. (But don’t read any creepy stories before going to bed. Just saying.)
Tip Three: Exchange a Book for Social Media
This is probably one of the things that consumes most of your spare time. But, if you set your mind to reading every time your tempted to get on social media, I guarantee you will begin reading more. Reading is a habit, and habits are hard to break, right? So give it all you’ve got and begin your reading habit today!
Tip Four: Carry Your Book With You
If you have your book with you, you’ll feel obliged to read it. And it might be even better if you carry an ebook with you everywhere, since it will take less space in your purse than a real physical book. I recommend the Kindle app for reading. It is my absolute favourite! And if you have Kindle Unlimited, then you will have access to tons of books for a small price. Just please remember not to be the person that takes a physical book everywhere and destroys it without even reading it. If you carry a physical copy of a book, take care of it.
Remember that not everyone is meant to be a bookworm, this will make your reading experience more enjoyable! I hope you found these tips helpful. Happy reading!