
  • Comedy

    The Secret Recipe to Happiness

    It’s here everyone! The thing you’ve been searching for all your life. The one thing you’ve always wanted to know. What you’ve always wanted to have! The recipe for… (drum roll please) happiness! You betcha! Today I’ll share with you the recipe to happiness. BTW, it’s top secret. Ingredients: A warm and cuddly blanket Coffee or hot chocolate Your favourite movie Your favourite snack Your best friend Instructions: Blend all the ingredients together in your living room. If that’s not an option for you, then do it in your room, but you’ll need a tv or laptop. Make sure you have a cozy and cheerful atmosphere, this will really help. …

  • Comedy

    Five Dangers of Reading

    Have you ever wondered if reading is bad for you? Can you actually get a reading addiction? Well, to relieve (or frighten?) your mind, I thought I would talk about five dangers of reading.  Danger #1: Anti-gravity Problems Nope, you don’t have to go to space to experience the mystic science of anti-gravity. That’s right. Pick a book by an awesome author, say, Arthur Conan Doyle for instance, and you won’t be able to put the book down. Seriously? Who knew books had such anti-gravitational force, right? Just watch out, some of the heaviest books can be the toughest to put down. Danger #2: Overthinking Purchases Remember those shoes? Yeah,…