
  • Thoughts

    Life Thoughts

    Long time no see! (There should be a cooler phrase for that…) It has been a hot minute since I’ve shown my words around here, so I thought I’d drop in and do a bit of a life update interspersed with some of my thoughts. What have I been up to? It has been about three years since I posted anything. During that period of time, a lot has happened. A global pandemic, many transitions, graduating high-school, two years of online school, many personal struggles, many small victories, and lots of growth. I’ve been thinking about the fact that people all grow up at their own pace. As humans, we…

  • Thoughts

    Q&A and More Awards!

    Hey yo! I’ve been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award and the Original Outstanding Blogger Award. (Thanks Haley!) I believe the first award creator is Okoto Enigmas and I’m not sure about the second. Anyway, even though I don’t know enough people to nominate I’ll answer all the questions. Hope you enjoy. ☺️ Questions: Q. What is one blogging goal you have not achieved? A. Probably having a constant posting schedule. I’ve been busy keeping up my Spanish blog and have not been consistent here. (Sorry!) Q. How has blogging changed you/your life? A. I believe I have finally started to discover my voice! At least in my Spanish blog.…

  • Thoughts

    The Real Neat Blog Award

    Hey guys! Long time no see. Sorry about that. I’ll be starting to post more often now that we’re all quarantined. Life got so busy! Transitioning isn’t always the smoothest. Anyway, I got nominated for this award by Haley. Thank you! This is going to be fun. 😜 You can go check out her blog here. She has really fun content. I really liked her Rip It or Ship It Tag. Anyway, on to the questions. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten? Well, I’ve had quite a few weird things. First one, a chinicuil. A chinicuil is a worm that grows on cactus plants in Mexico and…

  • Thoughts

    What Being a Christian Means to Me

    What does it mean to be a Christian? I think we have a big misconception about this. A lot of times we believe that being a Christian means being part of a religion that restricts you from enjoying life, doing whatever you please, and having fun. And to outsider this is what they see when they see us and find out that we are Christians. But is that what Christianity really is? To me being a Christian is not about having to “follow the rules” and not being able to enjoy life anymore. Look at it this way, playgrounds are surrounded by a fence. Is the playground a boring place…

  • Thoughts

    When God Says Wait

    Waiting is one of the most difficult things in our world now a days. If the wifi stops working for just 15 seconds we feel betrayed! We eat fast food, search for the instant cure to excess weight, and even want an instant relationship with God. Well, a lot of the time that’s just not going to be it. In our journeys with God we are going to have to wait patiently. And this is made even more difficult by our instant culture. Waiting sometimes brings discouragement. And discouragement is the number one enemy to God’s purposes. Why? Because discouragement gives way to doubt. If you feel discouraged that God…

  • Thoughts

    The Mind-blowing Truth About God’s Love

    Do you ever wish you could have a friend that actually knows everything about you and still loves you? I know, you probably think this is not possible. But it really is. A few weeks ago I was reading the devotional Known by Tauren Wells, and to be honest it was mind-blowing for me. It showed me something so amazing that I could hardly believe I hadn’t seen it before. He starts off with this sentence, “If you really knew me, you would know that…” Take some time to fill in that blank. I took a while to think it through, and finally I knew what I would say if…

  • Thoughts

    Is Christianity a Religion?

    What does it mean to be a Christian? You know, sometimes we are so busy trying to measure up to a “religion” that we forget what the word Christian really means. Let’s begin by defining a Christian. According to the Bible, Christians were followers of Christ and they were first called so in Antioch. (Acts 11:6) Sounds simple, right? But get a look at this, being a Christian back then was actually being mocked. They mocked people for their belief in Jesus. It is believed the word Christian was used in contempt even though there is no certain way of proving it. According to our world now a days, being…

  • Thoughts

    Getting Real

    Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Sorry I haven’t posted lately. I had a gruesome cold most of the week and I’m a major certified procrastinator. Guess I’ll have to fix that! But don’t worry, I already have a schedule planned out. So, a lot has been going on in my mind. And I think it’s time to be honest. With myself, this blog, and what I want to do with it. I am going to be changing my content, but don’t freak out, I promise it will be good. (At least in my humble opinion.) I’m going to be taking this blog in a totally different direction and…

  • Thoughts

    My Bucket List

    Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog. I’m so sorry that I haven’t been able to post in the last two weeks, but I was away on a trip to Africa and besides being super busy, or lazy, I did not have good wifi. Anyway, I’m back! (Bwahaha) So today I’ll share with you my bucket list. My Bucket List Write a book (Ok, a lot of books, let’s be honest.) Travel throughout Europe (Sounds generic, but I’m allowed to dream, right?) Go to PE Island (Got to visit the Anne of Green Gables museum!) Learn to speak French Learn to speak Dutch Visit the Netherlands (My great grandparents lived…